Friday, July 25, 2008


Alright so I have a bit of explaining to do don't I? Well you see, it's the summer... and thats a dead period for new DVD releases,'s just nothings goming out on DVD. Most of my rentals as of late have been personal choices that are simply too old to review (IE Gross Point Blank, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang.)

"But Movie Geek!" You cry out, in attempts to thwart my attempts to cover my own laziness "Summer also means a new awesome Blockbuster release every week!"

I would first tell you not to be so smug, and then say yes, awesome blockbusters, they're all awesome. I sat around with WALL*E, Hellboy II, and The Dark Knight, and I wondered to myself... Do I really need to review these, is there anyone out there NOT hearing the ammount of praise these flicks are recieving? What can I say that has not been said a thousand times over?

There was Journey to the Center of the Earth, but I was so pissed I had to pay 12 bucks to see...THAT... That I did not wish to speak of it anymore.

So what does this mean for me? Well it means that the site may be... sparatically updated... And will probably not pick up till mid-fall. This does not mean I won't be TRYING... I have Harold and Kumar, the Lost Boys sequal, and another Asylum Massacre ready to be reviewed...

As soon as I get some time to WATCH them.

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