Sunday, January 10, 2010

Movie Rant: The Future of the 90s

When I first started this blog, I stated that it would contain reviews as well as my general outlook on the movie industry. I have had a few ideas for these Rants in the past, but none that I could really formulate into a solid article. So here's the first of hopefully many Movie Rants...

I am a firm believer in the Retro Rule of 20, of which I have mentioned in my G.I. Joe review. It's a simple rule that the media of today will reflect back fondly upon the days of twenty years ago. The idea is that the now late twenty early 30 somethings who grew up in those days who now have more expendable income than when they were 10 will flock to these properties like they did when they were kids, and generally they do.

The evidence isn't hard to see from the 2000's, with G.I. Joes, Transformers, animated shows like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and He-Man being remade, and even a (somewhat bad) remake of Knight Rider. And going back further we can see such evidence in The Wonder Years, a 90s look back on the 70s, and Happy Days, a 70s look back on the 50s.

So the new decade is upon us, and a new trend of Retro comes with it. Now, I am a 90s kid... As much as I wish to deny it. I try, truly, to relate to the 80s, but I wasn't even 5 when they ended. No I was raised in the 90s, and man... What an undefined decade. Truly meandering about with nothing to claim for itself.

What can be said about the 90s? Well it birthed the Modern Internet, and lead to the Dot Com boom... Which ended badly. It saw the advent of the modern cell phone... which didn't come to popularity till the 2000's... And it brought us the Dark Age of Comics... And that's all I'll say on that.

So what does this say for our Media? Well it's hard to say... Most Television and Movies coming from the 90s aren't heralded very fondly, with most of it's defining features of entertainment being Video Game related. That's not to be said that the entertainment of the 90s was complete garbage, many great movies and television shows came from this decade... But then most of it simply would not work as a remake or revitalization. It's an interesting time, to be honest... I for one can't wait for the Live Action adaptation of Samurai Pizza Cats...

...And now I feel really old.


Anonymous said...

Ah the 90s. As far as I remember all that came out of it was Britney Spears and several boy bands. Nickelodeon was still great back then as well....

Anonymous said...

You should post more often.